Tuesday, September 30, 2014

My week in photos: Sep 22 - 28

My week in photos: Sep 22 - 28:

A happy, packed week. The usual suspects that make life worthwhile - love, family, friends and food! My spanking new Macbook Pro and beautiful Graceloveslace gown also arrived this week. My gown is so ethereally lovely. I can wear it all day, every day. #bohobride

Sunday, September 14, 2014

My week in photos: Sep 1 - 7

My week in photos: Sep 1 - 7
Jam-packed week! It started with Keian picking a drumstick during his 抓周。During the week, we got B's tux shirts ready and had our first fitting! I'm in love with my gowns... but I shall keep them a secret till my pre-wedding shoot! STGCC on Saturday was loads of fun. Then we ended the week by celebrating Mummy's 54th birthday in advance. Much love all around.

Friday, September 12, 2014

My week in photos: Aug 25 - 31

My week in photos: Aug 25 - 31
This week consisted of pandas, cheongsum-making, mooncakes, good food, family and fun! Wedding preparations continued as usual. :)

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

My week in photos: Aug 18 - 24

My Week in Photos: Aug 18 - 24
Spent time with the family and B, caught Lucy, went to cafes.. and of course, made more wedding preparations! 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

My week in photos: Aug 11 - 17

My week in photos: Aug 11 - 17.
My attempt at documenting my life through photos. Inspired by this adorable lady, whose blog I've been following since schooling days. Hopefully through this, I will be more aware of the people, things and happenings around me. Perhaps this will also serve as a constant personal reminder to stretch my days and make them count.
Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
For this first jumpy and fragmented post, there's a failed attempt at catching the supermoon, meet up with mama, time spent with B and the little ones, and some little DIY projects!