Tuesday, September 30, 2014

My week in photos: Sep 22 - 28

My week in photos: Sep 22 - 28:

A happy, packed week. The usual suspects that make life worthwhile - love, family, friends and food! My spanking new Macbook Pro and beautiful Graceloveslace gown also arrived this week. My gown is so ethereally lovely. I can wear it all day, every day. #bohobride

Carried Keian to the driver's seat before work on Monday. He was so happy.. he even tried to steer the wheel. It felt almost like deja vu; how I did all these with Kadian, then now Keian. The next time I feel this way will probably be with my own future child. Lol.

We met up with one of the potential videographers for our wedding that evening. After the meeting, I feel that B and I are really too.... drama-less. We have no interesting stories to tell. Our relationship is not made up of whirlwinds and thunderstorms, it's... peaceful and calm, like a slow, steady river. Anyhoo, I don't think we will be going with this videographer. He doesn't really seem to get us.

 On Tuesday, my MBP arrived!!! I'm blogging from my MBP now and it feels pretty neat. It has been a few years since I last used a MacBook so I'm still familiarising myself with the shortcuts.

This time round, I have decided that I would not allow little children near my new laptop anymore! Once bitten, twice shy.

Unboxing took 3 days in total because I have been SO busy. 

Yoga after work! I had another class on Wednesday and trust me, you do not want to have 2 yoga classes without a day's break in between. 

Routine progress check before yoga on Wednesday evening.

Ikea for dinner and props-shopping thereafter! (Yea.. What wedding diet? haha)

Decided to look corporate-y on Thursday.

 These days my lunch buddy just wants to watch iPad.

Another package came! Their packaging is so bright and happy-looking.

Met up with JA after work!

She made me change my mind about the restaurant (I had qualms earlier). We talked and talked and talked. Girly talks are always fun.

 Hotpot dinner with family to end off the work week.


Kadian's very wide and fake smile.

After-dinner ice-cream! That was what he had.

And this was what I had. Hehe.

If this gets written into a book, it will be named "tales of the gluttony fiancĂ©e"

  The unboxing continues!


Saturday was spent looking at wedding videographers' works and fixing up a Carousell account (oh the low-ballers there).

In the evening, we brought Mummy out to dine at To-gather Cafe.

I think she liked the coffee and chocolate lava cake there.

I rose bright and early on Sunday. The first thing I heard when I opened my eyes was Kadian going "Tracy gugu! Tracy gugu! I want to eat Tracy gugu!" Lol. Kids say the darndest things.

Headed out. Had a mission to complete. 

 Which is to check out Changi Boardwalk!

How adorable is he!? #biased

 Drove a little to the other part of Changi Beach. We both thought whatever that dude was doing looked pretty cool. Then we headed to our secret lalang place and was sorely disappointed when the entire place had restrictions on public's access. Sigh. B told me that food will take the issue off our minds and make us feel better.

He was right. 

We were feeling sleepy so we went home to take a nap. When I woke up... IT'S HERE! AND IT'S SO PRETTY!
 I kept prancing around in it and asked B "is it nice, is it nice, is it nice?!" And he went "bb, it's very nice.. how many times do you want to ask me?"

After I got over how beautiful my dress is, we headed out to hunt for new photoshoot locations. We decided that instead of feeling defeated, we should do something about it! I'm so glad we went there. I love this neighbourhood!

Since we were already in the West, I suggested Two Chefs for dinner. A satisfying close to the week.

Till next week!

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