Friday, September 12, 2014

My week in photos: Aug 25 - 31

My week in photos: Aug 25 - 31
This week consisted of pandas, cheongsum-making, mooncakes, good food, family and fun! Wedding preparations continued as usual. :)

Found the leftover croissant in my bag on Monday. Still yummy. 

Washed it down with watermelon and celery juice.

That time of the year.

Hi colleagues!

Yay my Ben Amun bridal earrings arrived!
And this!

It's the fairy lights that I've ordered! I can't wait to use them for my shoot!

It was break week from our usual Yoga classes on Wednesday and we were lost. Where shall we go, what shall we do?

Settled for T2's Hokkien Mee. Mm mmh!

Their chili is da bomb.

*sigh* I have a deeply unhealthy relationship with their original glazed donuts.

Picked Dad up from the airport on Thursday and had sushi for dinner! My life revolves around the airport.

Lunch with cute colleagues on Friday.

 It was a particularly grey evening.

 We reached Upper Thomson after braving through peak-hour traffic to collect B's shirts. But our tailor had a case of food poisoning and we didn't get to see her. Anyway, we thought we should still have a good TGIF meal around the area since we were already there.

Tried Fat Boys! I had the Wimpy, he had Royale.

Decent burgers, cider, cool breeze (from the rain outside), good music and company.. couldn't ask for more.

We rose early on Saturday.

We were gonna check out the potential photoshoot place again, so i brought my gear along. We wanted to see the place in the morning!

Hi sweetie!

We stopped to smell the lalang.

This tickled me. Nissan x Audi (drawn using markers, no less..)

Crispy prata. So good.

Hand-holding never gets old.

We took a nap at home, then went to Katong for my cheongsum appointment! We discussed a few ideas I had, merged them together and added new elements. I was surprised with what we eventually decided on. I'm looking forward to my first fitting in October!
And I thought it's cute how we chanced upon a cheongsum cake after our cheongsum appointment.

We liked our lunch a lot.

I like how my ABC juice settled into cherry and orange shades. Pretty.

I dropped B off and came home. Hello Matthew.

In the evening, Dad had a hankering for sushi again so we went back for the second time within three days. I think he's hooked!

We checked out River Safari on Sunday! It has been such a looooong time since I last went to the Zoo. We were all excited to see the pandas.


We saw many animals..

and marine creatures.

Mummy looks so radiant here.

The Red Panda is so fluffy! We thought it looked like Rocket from Guardians of the Galaxy.

This is Kaikai! I love how pandas just slouch around the whole day.

Hello Jiajia! 

We got on the Amazon River Quest. I was petrified that it was gonna be a scary ride cuz they elevate the entire boat at the start. SO glad it's not.

Went back for more panda action after the ride.

Goofing around in the souvenir shop.

Panda buns and cappuccinos!

We paid a visit to one of Dad's completed project. I have never seen a house SO BIG. I lost track of the number of rooms in the house. There's a pool, a rooftop jacuzzi, and a lift within the house! My knees actually went a little weak when I stood at the top storey... it was an eye-opener.

Then there's dinner! We wiped out that pot of curry fish.

Till next week!

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