Tuesday, August 26, 2014

My week in photos: Aug 18 - 24

My Week in Photos: Aug 18 - 24
Spent time with the family and B, caught Lucy, went to cafes.. and of course, made more wedding preparations! 

Starting Monday night right

Any more and my face will become a donut

 B: What drink do you want?
Me: Surprise me.
B: *walks off to look at the menu and comes back* 
Latte with a shot of green tea, hazelnut or irish cream?......... You are alcoholic bb, I shall take irish cream.

Increased my fleet of tomica cars.

Decided to go for a midnight run!


On Tuesday, we took a little stroll after dinner.

More lunch time cuteness from Keian on Wednesday

Gloomy, rainy weather

Everyone has gone home..

But not us! We went for yoga (our instructor was back, yay!) and then had late dinner.

Thursday's breakfast was pretty filling

And so I wasn't particularly hungry for lunch. Instead, I had a random craving for a smoothie and met up with B!

Got a few sushi for myself (didn't love it)

Smoothies make us happy

Took the little one for a short walk when I got home..
He's trying to high-five me here

Kids are adorable. I told Kadian to smile for the camera, which he did obligingly. But half a second later, he got his serious face on, watching pororo cartoon. Lol.

Breakfast, in eating order

My handy little file! Helps me keep my notes, bills and documents organized. I bring it everywhere I go now.

Hello little friend

BAKING HOT when I drove back to office

Came back to a sweet snack treat from a friendly colleague

And it's Friday! Headed to Upper Thomson after work. B needs some fancy shirts for his tux.

Looking absolutely adorkable.

These people know how to make a mug of good mushroom soup.

Love muddy mushroom soup!

Mandatory coffee fix after dinner.

Hi B!

His "I-have-enough-of-hippy-cafés-look" after banging his left knee against the table leg.

Came home and remembered that Chloe is having a sleepover tonight.

Saturday's lunch with BBT and Chloe

She told me about her school, friends, rainbow loom and ice cream.

They tried getting the kids organized to head out

But distractions, distractions..

B & I headed out too! Time to collect my Taobao package!


We ripped open the packages when we got home. My Tiffany blue tassels!!!

Ya.. I went a little crazy.

I was so absorbed with unpacking that I missed a few calls. We were late for dinner. The jam didn't help.

Happy kids!

Shifted to Chock Full of Beans (where vicious mosquitoes lurk)

And it's Sunday. For lunch, we had YTF!

Then we stopped by Tiong Bahru Bakery for our coffee fix..

... and the 'best croissant in Singapore'. It was pretty good!

We caught Lucy in IMAX (my first IMAX movie!). I thought it was just alright.. the ending could have been better. When Lucy ended the movie with "Life was given to human beings a billion years ago, you know what to do", I turned to B and asked "What?" So she became immortal in the end? It was a little puzzling and abstract.

Saw some Taiwanese actors on our way out of Lido.

Then I got B a kre-o book from Kino (he was so happy with it lol like a little kid) and soon it was time to meet our wedding photographer for dinner. Ended my week with gyu teriyaki and more concrete plans for our pre wedding photoshoot. I can't wait! :)

Till next week!

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