Sunday, August 17, 2014

My week in photos: Aug 11 - 17

My week in photos: Aug 11 - 17.
My attempt at documenting my life through photos. Inspired by this adorable lady, whose blog I've been following since schooling days. Hopefully through this, I will be more aware of the people, things and happenings around me. Perhaps this will also serve as a constant personal reminder to stretch my days and make them count.
Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
For this first jumpy and fragmented post, there's a failed attempt at catching the supermoon, meet up with mama, time spent with B and the little ones, and some little DIY projects! 

I didn't want to pay exorbitant prices for bridal hangers and ring pillows, so I decided to make my own! I think I did an OK job...

They didn't have a "N", so I grabbed a "U" and turned it upside down. Now all I have to do is to hot glue them to a hanger..

My lunches this week were mostly accompanied by little Keian.

Tickle attack!

It's amazing how fast this little one is growing up. This is him happily crashing his walker.

Some quick climbing here

On Tuesday I checked how long my hair looked from the back. I was satisfied. Grow, hair, grow! I need you to be longer for my shoot.

Received some Gouter de Roi from one sweet colleague.

After work when I got home, my mum came into my room excitedly and asked me if I want to catch the supermoon. We took a little stroll to the main road.. I've never noticed the existence of this sign until I took my camera out that day for this post. I guess this is what Sherlock Holmes meant by "you see but you do not observe"..?

But alas, it was a little too cloudy.

On Wednesday, we went for our usual yoga lesson. We were eager for a session of heavy perspiration but were sorely disappointed. Our usual instructor wasn't available that day and she got us a replacement. It was... quite bad. We basically flung our arms and did simple stretching for the entire hour. While we were heading for dinner after yoga, we noticed that there were some lights in PRO! The lights made it look a little more real and homely.

On Thursday, B met up with me after work and we headed to Jpot for his mum's birthday dinner.

Headed to Paris Baguette after dinner.

On Friday, we headed to Hougang for a TCM visit after work. And then it was dinner.

On Saturday, I woke up to Kadian's "GUGU ARK UP!!!" B & I had lunch and took a really looong afternoon nap (no kidding it was 4 hours long). Then we woke up to some yummy home-cooked prawn noodles!

By the time we finished eating it was already late afternoon (or in Sheldon's words, pre-evening). I figured that we should get out of the house and stop being lazy, so off we went to explore possible photoshoot places! We armed ourselves with citrus tea and peppero.

I look like I have no brows here.

We thought we found a pretty neat place.

On Sunday, Kadian tried to feed me his kway teow when I asked him for suggestions on where to head to for lunch.

We decided on good ol' mcdonalds in the end.

I like their new wrap!

Went to peep at our place again, this time in daylight. Not much progress.

Kopi time after running some errands at the bank, watsons and self-fix shop. There's always a queue whenever the cute kopi uncle is around.

It's soft, warm, gooey with butter and kaya and just so delicious. I cannot oversell my favourite bread.

We got home and played with the kids.

B fixed up the insect net for my bathroom! He's such a sweetheart.

Mummy was craving for some Korean BBQ, so Ju Shin Jung it was!

Took a long stroll after dinner to grab coffee to end the week.

Oh, this is old news from last week, but Krispy Kreme is now open at the airport! And it's 24 hours! I foresee many unhealthy midnight snacking.. and experiencing happiness, satisfaction then guilt, remorse, and self-loathing.

That's all. Till next week! 

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